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Issue No. 20: The Most Famous Longevity Supplement

Risks And Opportunities

Happy Thursday, Zapien 👋

Welcome to newsletter No 20 🥳. Great opportunity to finally introduce you to one of the most famous longevity supplements: NMN. Does it actually work? Should you take it? Let’s dive right in.

Lisa, Karol & Simon


In order to understand the idea behind NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) as a potential longevity supplement we need to briefly introduce NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).

NAD (strictly NAD+) is a coenzyme found in all living cells, from bacteria to humans, and it is critical for cellular energy metabolism and mitochondrial function. Without NAD cells cannot produce energy. NAD is also crucial for maintaining healthy DNA and supporting numerous vital cellular processes. Therefore, it’s fundamental to our health and longevity.

Research indicates that by middle age, our levels of NAD drop to about half of what they were in our youth. This is a trend confirmed in various tissues, including blood, skin, and brain.

The obvious idea is that supplementing with NAD might keep NAD levels up and thereby slow down or even reverse aging. However, since NAD is badly absorbed in our bodies, researchers have proposed that NMN might be the better option. NMN is an essential building block or precursor to NAD and it has a much better bioavailability.

Bottom line, NMN supplements, available in capsule or powder form, are supposed to supply more NMN which is then utilized in the production of more NAD.

Research in animals has shown some promising results, including improved mitochondrial function, enhanced metabolism, and extended lifespan. Human studies are less promising for now. Since the proposed biochemical mechanism above seems reasonable scientists continue with further research.

Besides effectiveness, it’s not clear whether it’s safe to take NMN in the long run. There are some concerns around NMN potentially supporting cancer growth. Either way, only a limited number of pre-clinical and clinical studies have focused on the safety of long-term NMN use. Since NMN isn’t a drug and therefore unregulated, there is little incentive for producers to invest here.

Lastly, some experts argue that boosting NAD levels through supplementation may not be as effective or sustainable as modulating NAD metabolism through other means, such as lifestyle interventions like exercise and calorie restriction.


Everyone travelling across time zones needs to face it once in a while: jet lag. Use these strategies to adjust your internal clock as smoothly as possible:

  1. Sleep properly the nights before your trip.

  2. Immediately set your clocks to the destination's local time upon boarding the plane (watch, phone, laptop…). This helps your mind align with the new time zone.

  3. Generally, sleep in the early part of a long flight, contrary to the common practice of staying awake first. Aim to sleep soon after departure and remain awake for 12 to 16 hours upon waking. This helps build up enough tiredness to promote sleep the following night in the new time zone, despite not getting a full night's rest on the plane. Utilize eye masks and earplugs for better sleep quality.

  4. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can disrupt the circadian rhythm.

  5. Seek morning sunlight upon arrival and avoid sunglasses. Exposure to natural light is crucial for resetting your body's clock.

  6. Align meals with local times at your destination to help reset your internal clock more effectively. Also, stay hydrated and try to go for lighter, easily digestible meals.

  7. Nap wisely, if necessary, to maintain alertness. Keep naps short, about 10 to 20 minutes, and early in the day to preserve nighttime sleepiness.


Let’s get to the big question: Should you take NMN?

As so often with novel substances in a relatively young research field, there is no clear answer.

In light of what you just read above, ask yourself: how much are you willing to invest & risk for this opportunity to prolong your life?

If you decide to go for it, pay attention to these aspects:

  • Purity should be as high as possible (> 99%)

  • This should be certified by a third-party accredited lab

  • Protect NMN from heat, light & humidity when storing

Fun fact: Since NMN cannot be sold as neither a drug nor dietary supplement in the EU or US, it’s essentially marketed as a “chemical for research purposes” 🧪

Serving size: 
Still unclear (suggestions range from 250 mg - 1000 mg daily)

Some German providers: 
NuoNeo, Neotes

Some US providers: 
Novos, Elysium


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⚡️ $1.867 million⚡️

With a growth rate of >20%, the global NMN market is expected to reach $1.867 million by 2031.


Lisa has a PhD in Medical Biology. She was a researcher at Harvard Medical before developing D2C laboratory diagnostics.

Karol is a serial founder who helped thousands of people build healthy eating habits with Upfit.

Simon is a healthcare entrepreneur who brought the doctor online-booking service Doctolib to Germany.


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